Local weather activists get busy for COP 28: adverts from Greenpeace and Make Your Cash Matter


As COP 28 will get underway, the local weather activists are out in power. Greenpeace is attacking Dove’s Actual Magnificence, whereas Fortunate Generals has employed Olivia Colman as an oily spokesperson for Make Your Cash Matter.

Greenpeace exposes the hypocrisy behind it promoting’s flagship goal marketing campaign, particularly the quantity of plastic waste that Dove produces. The model’s signature blue and white flying hen emblem has been subverted – it’s now black and white and lies lifeless on the packaging.

In response to Greenpeace, Dove bought 12,000 extremely polluting plastic sachets each minute in 2022, regardless of Unilever’s declare that Dove is “Passionately dedicated to being one of many manufacturers making the largest affect in opposition to plastic waste.” In Indonesia and the Philippines, sachets are clogging drains and aggravating points reminiscent of flooding.

In the meantime Olivia Colman’s alter ego, Oblivia Coalmine, tells it like it’s for Make Your Cash Matter, which drives moral investing.



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